When was the last time you can remember your preacher railing against inter-racial relationships? Have you ever seen a daytime talk show try to cure someone of their religion? How about a constitutional ban against the handicapped? Of course not, this is the land of Equal Opportunity. Nobody can be discriminated against, regardless of age, color, creed, disability, race, religion, or sex. And if they do, they'll have a lot of people to answer to. But you know what my boss can do to me at anytime? Walk right up to me and say, "I just heard you're gay. You're fired." And I wouldn't have a legal leg to stand on. Why?
People say it's because nobody really knows whether sexual orientation is genetic or learned. I mean, we only just discovered that it isn't a psychological disease! After all, maybe people just choose to alienate themselves and go through hell and back just trying to feel like a normal person. Well, even if that is the case, what about religion? If I can't fire you for being Christian, then you can't fire me for being gay. It is as simple as that. And since we have separation of Church and State, and there's nothing outside of religion that makes homosexuality "wrong", what exactly is the legal conundrum here? Last time I checked, this country was about protection for everyone, no matter how hated or weird they might be. So tell me, why have I seen the President of this great country lead a personal attack against me and 1/10th of the country? Does he actually think that us getting married and living happy lives together is really going to destroy the Breeders next door? Perhaps he's just worried about the biggest, scariest monster the Religious Right has ever seen: The Homosexual Agenda.
Since I've come out of the closet, I've been expecting my communist literature and anarchist cookbook to arrive any day now. In the mean time, though, I have my own agenda.
I will conspire to be a good person, and prove to people on a one-on-one basis of my humanity.
I am prepared to rebel against any law I see as unjust or hateful.
I am dedicated to making tomorrow a better day for us all, no matter how many religious nuts I piss off along the way.
There you are, the conspiracy is over. Now can we all act like adults and at least respect one another if we can't agree? You keep your religion out of my government and I'll keep myself out of your church.