I wear high heels and makeup, carry a purse and have sex with men.
To put it bluntly, I am everything that's wrong with the world today.
I am corrupting your children with purple dinosaurs, teletubbies, and two puppets living together.
I am going to destroy the institute of the American Family by getting married and raising children.
I turn Senators into Sinners and Priests into Pedophiles.
The right to my existence is a controversy
And the mechanics of my lovemaking are enough to cause fits among the Church,
But I figure if God wants to say something he knows where to find me,
Because I'm not leaving anytime soon.
No matter what you say,
No matter what you do,
I am always here.
I am the third sex.
I am achieved desire.
I am unrepressed joy because I don't care.
I don't care if I threaten your gender roles,
I don't care what the constitution says,
And I don't even care if the first words in the Bible are "God hates queers."
And if you don't like it,
Then you can kiss my faggotty ass and choke on my boyfriend's dick.